painterly 109
For all that she had spent most of her life on a spaceship, it was a rare thing for her to see actual space. Her eyes reached up into it, and instantly she was out, soaring through its limitless depths. Stars slipped around her, clusters of glowing fruit, little floating toys she could have batted away like […]
Bats of the World flat images
The world’s neatest bats (in my opinion). In order: hoary bat, sword-nosed bat, painted bat, bumblebee bat, common vampire bat, and last but not least, honduran white bats aka reanimated cotton puffs. These bats are available as a sticker sheet for true chiroptera fans (or people who want to make a batty friend’s day!)
Hour of Winter Birds
Where my mom lives, there’s an event hosted by a big birdwatching group called the “Hour of Winter Birds.” Every January, people count the birds in their backyards and submit their findings, and the group makes an amazing interactive map out of the data. For Christmas, I took the five most common birds in my […]
Maneki Neko
My take on ‘Maneki Neko’ – Japanese lucky cats. I’ve loved these funny little cat statues since I was little and own about a dozen of them. Their different colors represent different kinds of fortune – for example, pink lucky cats bring love and good relationships, while gold lucky cats are all about the cash […]
Hot Spot
Owners should take care to allow young dragons unrestricted access to a nesting site with a surface temperature of at least 150F, as this boosts their metabolism and helps them digest their food. If the owner fails to provide a proper nesting area, the dragon will often get inventive to secure the heat it needs… […]
4/9 Lives v. 1.0
Couldn’t help myself, I had to do a Halloween picture. Meet Nebula and her siblings, who didn’t get to spend much time together in life. But, thanks to a certain spooky holiday, they still get to meet up every year to spend quality candy-and-brains-gathering time together! I came back to this picture a few years […]
Bats of the World Poster
Heheh, finally finished! All of these bats are real bat species and absolutely none of these facts are exaggerated in any way. (Okay, maybe some of them are. The flying fox’s size isn’t, though.) (Note: I’m not a professional bat person in any way, unfortunately… I greatly appreciate critiques on the bats’ anatomy! Though I’m […]
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