Star Chaser Post date December 26, 2013 In Drawings Vella’s L’Oréal-promoting mascot Star Chaser. Tagsmoderately cutemy little ponyvery cute Patch Job Juniper headshot
Super Hair, The Reckoning: Mega Lucario It was originally supposed to be just the two, but the folks on stream convinced me to add lil’ baby Riolu in there. I feel like they are heading off to fight crime or something. Part of a series I did to try and convince myself that the mega evolutions weren’t as cringeworthy as I […]
Pikachu Ripoff Conga Line Whenever I’m drawing serious things I get these irresistible urges to take breaks and cheer up with something tooth-rotting and this kind of stuff is what results. Yes, Marril is very aware that they don’t belong with the other Electric types but they get a spot here anyway because of how convinced everyone used to […]
Dragon Sketch Part of the reason my Pokemon comic takes so long is because dragons just pop up out of nowhere while I’m trying to panel. Don’t even give me that look. You’re not a Pokemon. I can tell.