Kermit Post date December 30, 2020 In Drawings A very cute pacific parrotlet. Tagsbirdcel shadingcommissionlineart comm Ahsuka & Blakk Workplace Hazard
Dark Vinyl A “sports mascot head” style vinyl that turned out very nicely. Designed for a light background, so there’s no border on it.
Realistic Ho-oh Christmas present for my sis! Her RP character transforms into a phoenix that is “basically a realistic Ho-oh” so I just drew her a Ho-oh and we’re going to work together to tweak the colors and etc to make it more her own.
Bullet Time Bounce (bg) I drew a BotW speedrun tribute picture during GDQ a while ago, and a speedrun router named Swiffy approached me to ask if I could add a background and make it a full fledged piece! It was a challenge but I really enjoyed it.