All set up! Post date October 11, 2019 In Witty Critters I was expecting this to be my smallest booth ever, instead it ended up being my biggest! Not really 100% Halloween themed but oh well. Tagsbooth setupconvention Delicious Brains
I made it into Anime Banzai!!! I’m so happy! Banzai was the first convention I ever sold at and it is so dear to my heart. This also means I’m going to be doing two conventions on back-to-back weekends in October… woof
FanX Booth location! I will be at Artist Alley booth “WH6” at FanX this Friday+Saturday! Please stop by if you have time! Aw heck I’m so excited
Pumpkin cat vinyls My first time doing two-color vinyl… I think it worked out wonderfully! Sold these at Anime Banzai and Fear Con.
DIY Mummy Costume The second print I did in preparation for the Fear Con Halloween convention I sold at. Homemade costumes are just as good as the real thing! Not sure if I properly conveyed that the right hand cat is supposed to be an honest-to-goodness reanimated mummy… if I’d made them more brown-colored and desiccated-looking it might […]